lck.common 0.4.5 documentation

This Page


This library consists of various simple common routines and language constructs that are so useful they ten to be rewritten in every subsequent project I’m working on. Each function, decorator or module on its own is too simple to dedicate an entire PyPI package for it. Together however, this library represents a Swiss army knife for everyday needs (YMMV). Among the things you might find inside:

  • robust memoization
  • some less obvious collections (e.g. orderedset)
  • a @synchronized decorator (with threading or lockfile backends)
  • some controversial language enhancements like the Null object
  • converter from ElementTree instances to dicts
  • file finder (searching locations commonly used for storing app data)

The latest version can be installed via PyPI:

$ pip install lck.common


$ easy_install lck.common

The source code repository and issue tracker are maintained on GitHub.

For the curious, lck stands for LangaCore Kit. LangaCore is a one man software development shop of mine.

Note: lck.common requires Python 2.7 because all of its code is using the so-called four futures (absolute_imports, division, print_function and unicode_literals). One of the virtues in the creation of this library is to make the code beautiful. These switches give a useful transitional state between the old Python 2.x and the new Python 3.x. You should use them as well.

Change Log


  • fixed an uncommon bug in memoization where an exception in the memoized function could leave stale keys in the cache


  • lck.git introduced with a get_version routine
  • decode_entities added to lck.xml



  • lck.crypto introduced with a couple of thin wrappers over PyCrypto
  • lck.math introduced starting with Elo rating calculation routine.


  • lck.lang.unset is now also False and len(unset) is zero


  • migrated to the lck namespace from langacore.kit
  • migrated licensing from GPL 3 to MIT
  • bumped the trove from alpha status to beta, the code is in production for over a year now

Ancient history

  • No proper change log was kept before 0.4.0

Indices and tables